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Panchan, also known as the Panny, is RyeKrisPie\'s second attempt of making and managing a imageboard. It is a successor to the Barty, which was shut down due to her poor management and abuse. Her new site no longer revolves around her, as the new main purpose is to cater to drawfagging, as well as soyjakking and rage comics. It isn\'t as active as the original Barty.


Created on October 10th, 2024, it is a splinter of the JartyBooru. It is a \"No Rules\" imageboard, and just like the JartyBooru, most likely to be a safe haven for cartoon \'p like Soylita and namefag porn. Browse at your own risk.

The Cricky:

A forum created October 1st 2024 dedicated to the subvariant Cricknetsov.


chud.win is the successor to the site chudpol.ru after Woot\'s (the owner\'s) failure to implement memeflags and a captcha leading to spambots making the site unusable.It has an extremely fluctuating pph, depending on the hour the site can have 5-300pph. It has relaxed rules and allows unspoilered gore and some porn.

The Chin:

Splinter of a splinter. Was created due to how there was no captcha, locked /pol/ and memeflags on the Churro.